European Cultural Heritage: Opportunities for Citizens’ Engagement and Social Inclusion
Network of Towns
“This project has been funded with the support from European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

The project stems from the belief that the creation of a Community Cultural System (CCS) can assure a fruitful and stable cooperation between Local Authorities and CSOs from the Cultural and Social Sectors, working together for social inclusion of migrants, Roma, mentally or phisically disabled people, Neets and vulnerable groups in general, through the valorization of the Cultural Heritage.
An initial research on the impact the “2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage” had on each partner community will be carried out by every organization;
“My Culture, My Europe, My Future” will be the campaign the partnership will implement for giving its disadvantaged citizens the opportunity to have their say at local and EU level.

Organization name and Country
- INTEGRA – CEFALU NGO/LA – Lead Partner 🇮🇹
- Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa NGO 🇮🇹
- Carnikava LA 🇱🇻
- Geoclube NGO 🇵🇹
- Culturepolis NGO 🇬🇷
- Cajetina LA 🇷🇸
- Ribamontan al Mar LA 🇪🇸
- Aspanias Foundation NGO 🇪🇸
- Pegeia LA 🇨🇾
- Pietra Neamt LA 🇷🇴
- Roma Progress NGO 🇲🇰
- ITALCAM NGO – CamCom 🇩🇪
- AIG NGO 🇫🇷
- Banská Štiavnica LA 🇸🇰
- LAG Paluki NGO-LAG 🇵🇱
1 association of municipalities + 7 municipalities + 8 Civil Society Organisation + 1 LAG + 1 Chamber of Commerce
- Preparation
Contracts, tasks and roles, outputs… - Events
1 Kick-off meeting + 5 international events + 2 Local Activities - Outputs Evaluation and follow-up
As results of the “My Culture,My Europe,My Future!” campaign they will be collected at least 18 Stories (about personal experience with EU and Culture and ideas for Future EU Initiatives) + 5 Project Ideas (for the valorization of the CH for social inclusion purposes).They will merge into a booklet (availabe in digital format and published in 2000 copies) that will represent the Final Recommendation to be forwarded to political decision makers, during the Final Conference in Rome and thanks to the 2 Europe Direct in PL and MT.
The communication strategy adopted (Social Media Strategy, Web platform and materials produced) and the Community Activities will assure to ECHOES the widest impact possible and it will permit to involve more than 50.000 indirect participants.
- Web platform www.echoestwinning.eu
- FB page https://www.facebook.com/echoesnetworkoftowns
- Community Activities
- International Meetings
- Press Conference (for the Campaign and the final meeting)
- Final Recommendations
Info Pack Project