Author: wp_743031

Guadaloupe (FR) – 4/7 Nov 2019 – “The Community Cultural System – Stakeholders Meeting 1: Civil Society Organizations”

The aim of the event was to present the local community activities and discuss about the specific role of CSOs in the valorization of Cultural Heritage as a tool for social inclusion and citizens’ engagement. During this event, each partner organisation presented the results of the survey runner at local level on “The Impact of […]

Ribamontan al Mar (SP) – 4 June 2021 ONLINE Event – EU Natural Heritage

Municipality Ribamontán al Mar (Spain) organized an international ONLINE Meeting to promote the valorization of natural, tangible, and intangible heritage on the 4th of June. During this event, participants had the opportunity to have an approach to the natural heritage of the surf reserves. The event was a time for sharing good practices between partners […]

Tirana (AL) – 5-7 September 2021 Hybrid “The Community Cultural System – Stakeholders Meetings”

The event was organized by the Association of Albanian Municipalities in Tirana in a hybrid system, where half of the participants attended online and half in presence.  This meeting was an opportunity to share within the partnership and not only, the intangible cultural heritage and the collected stories within the campaign “My Culture, My Europe, […]

Lecce (IT) – 2/5 March 2022 – Official Closure: evaluation, results, follow-up

PRESS RELEASE Official closure of ECHOES project 2/5 March 2022   From the 2nd of March to the 5th of March, the Association Integra Onlus (IT), as the lead partner was the host of the final international meeting. The event was attended by 70 citizens, including 49 participants from Lecce and 21 international participants from […]

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